CIWR @ Daytona State College

As our host institution, the Center for Interdisciplinary Writing and Research maintains a special relationship with Daytona State College (DSC). Although we actively seek collaboration across institutions, especially among institutions with a desire to increase a culture of scholarship and those located in the Central Florida region, we are able to provide special opportunities to the faculty and staff at DSC given this special relationship.

Lempel Faculty Research and Writing Program Grant

Each summer, one to two faculty members at DSC are selected as recipients of the Lempel Faculty Research and Writing Program Grant. This grant, up to $10,000 per recipient, replaces a full-time faculty member’s teaching load for the summer and provides a modest supplement to fund scholarly work. Generally, faculty members for this grant will complete the scholarly work during the summer or make significant preparations for completion in the fall. Faculty members will share their work with the academic community or community at large in some form upon completion of the project. Applications for the grant should be submitted by October 31, 2023 for the current cycle. More information about the grant, including the rubric with which proposals will be evaluated can be found in the CIWR Infoguide on the Daytona State College website as well as below.

Applications will be reviewed by the Lempel Program Grant Committee, the applicant’s department chair, and senior executive staff as part of the submission process. 

The grant application deadline is October 31, 2023. Grant awards will be decided by November 30th and announced shortly thereafter.

 Application Guidelines

Applicants from all disciplines are encouraged to apply for the Lempel Program Grant. Applicants must have served in a full-time role for a minimum of three years or have earned continuing contract status.

 A grant applicant will:

The grant application will need to include the following: a project proposal,  presentation plan, and proposed budget. Please use the hyperlink provided to access the application. 

A virtual information session will take place on October 4th @ 3pm over Microsoft Teams to help applicants through the application process and address any questions. 

The rubric with which proposals will be evaluated is included below:




1 Not Developed

2 Needs Development

3 Fully developed 

This proposal promotes the academic advancement of the DSC community and CIWR. 


The proposal/activity is viable/feasible and of relevance to the faculty member’s work at DSC. 


The faculty member has clearly articulated outcomes for the work and has been specific in terms of the completion and dissemination of work given the nature of the proposal. 


The faculty member has a detailed plan for presenting the work to the DSC community and the community at large with a clear understanding of how the work will fit the audiences being addressed.


The faculty member has included a timeline for the completion of the work and the dissemination of the results that is reasonable and detailed. 


The faculty member has included a list or table of items and additional costs related to the project, beyond the course buyout.  


The faculty member includes supporting documentation that helps explain the viability of the proposal.  


Total Points